If you’re like many small businesses, you’re looking to manage costs more effectively wherever you can. In many cases, that takes the form of minimising the amount of colour printing you do. But, if you run a business that depends on doing at least a certain amount of colour printing, then you may feel like your hands are tied.
However, colour printing doesn’t have to break the bank and you don’t necessarily have to compromise quality, either.
Depending on the amount of colour printing your business does, you may be best-served by a colour multifunction device (MFD) or, for really professional results, you may want to move to a production print unit.
For most small and medium businesses (SMBs), a colour multifunction device will provide the cost-effective reliability, ease of use, and quality you need.
– Simplicity
You don’t want your staff members scratching their heads and wondering how to get the output they need from a production-level printer. So, you need a printer that’s simple and easy to use, with functionality available at the touch of a button.
Ideally, your office printer will be as intuitive and easy to use as a smartphone, with the most commonly-used functions easily viewable without spending ages scrolling through irrelevant menus.