It might be challenging to get everything to output exactly as planned when printing your artwork. Going back and forth to acquire a precise printing result might get frustrating. Therefore, before sending your artwork for printing, there are a few things you should thoroughly verify.

  1. Bleeding & Cropping

The artwork you wish to print, does it extend all the way to the edge of the page? Then you must include a bleed to ensure that there is enough room for the image to “bleed” across the page. Usually, you’ll be aiming for 3mm or less of bleed. Additionally, ensure that the image has distinct crop markings so that your printer will know where to clip the artwork and what to leave in the final product.

  1. Difference In Color

You should take into account the fact that most printers use the CMYK color scheme. CMYK is an acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) will be used on a screen where graphic design was created in the meantime. Make sure the documents you supply are in CYMK color, else the colors on the final product won’t match the original design. You might have to redo some of the colors digitally after the conversion to bring them back up to the original level.

  1. High Resolution Image

Ensure that the image you provide for printing has a good resolution. A printer will function with less than half of this—typically 300DPI for something like a brochure—because an image will be displayed at about 720DPI. In order to ensure that the image seems good quality, you must choose a high resolution image; otherwise, any pixilation or other quality issues would be amplified. Additionally, you should stay away from photographs that have been web-optimized. Graphics are typically 72DPI, which is insufficient for printing.

  1. Specify A Material

Always specify the correct material or substrate for your print. Getting this right is very important depending on the desired visual outcome and how it will be used. Get this verified before printing begins as it can make a huge difference to the overall quality of the artwork’s finish.

  1. Text Outlining

Make sure that all of the fonts used in the papers are changed to outline, if at all feasible. To ensure that your text prints properly, just convert it to a traditional layer, just like any other part of the image’s design.

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