Printers work offline when they are connected to the computer that is storing the document. The printer must be able to communicate with the computer in order to read and transmit data from the hard drive to the print function. The printer does not have a hard drive and cannot function without a way to view your document. Putting a printer online means it can print documents without being physically connected to a computer. While the printer reads and prints the document, it is transmitted via the remote connection.
A network connection is required to have a printer online. A hard line ethernet connection to the internet is used in some cases, but many printers also offer WI-FI as a network connection option. Setting up a printer on a single computer is simple, but bringing the printer online on an encrypted and secure network requires more effort.
Connecting to the WI-FI Network
You print a document, but nothing happens. So, how do you locate your printer queue and send the print command? To begin, connect the printer to the same wireless network as your computer. Otherwise, the print task you created will either not have a printer or will send to a different printer on the network than intended. The printer itself has a straightforward menu from which you can access the available WI-FI networks. Check that you are connected to the correct network. Return to your computer, and the printer should be visible. Click Print on the document, choose a printer, and complete the task. This will add it to the printer queue and perform the task.
Connecting Through Ethernet
An ethernet connection is similar to WI-FI in that you are simply connecting the printer to a network. Simply plug the hard-line cord into your internet port and you’re ready to go. If you are using a basic network without a firewall, select the printer by pressing Print on the document. If your network has a firewall and the printer is not authorised, you must instal it by following the prompts and entering the network key or password.
Is Your Printer Installed?
If you connect a printer to the internet and it does not work, you may need to instal the printer driver on your computer in order for it to communicate and work. Assume your offline printer is a Dell, and no matter how many times you reconnect it, the printer will eventually go back offline. You may be able to resolve this permanently by ensuring that the printer is properly configured. Navigate to your settings and then to Devices. Choose Printers and Scanners and then Add Device. You can now instal the printer on your computer to ensure that it works properly.